Nov 04, 2020 - 08:43 AM
Answerbase can help manage the integration of product questions and answers into your Bigcommerce product pages. Follow these steps:
If you have any questions, feel free to Contact Answerbase and we'll make sure you're taken care of.
- First, Install the Answerbase App through the Bigcommerce App Store and then Submit a Request for a Managed Integration
- Answerbase's team will give you an email address of the engineer who will be managing your integration. Once you have that email address you'll need to go into your Bigcommerce administration portal and add a new administrator user with that email address which will notify Answerbase that they've been added ot the store ahd have been given access.
- You need to ensure that when you add the new Answerbase user in the Bigcommerce administraton portal that you enable a check under the Apps section, which will give Answerbase permissions to see the app when they access your Bigcommerce Admin portal.
- Confirm with Answerbase's team that they've been given all the appropriate access, and they'll manage the installation for you from there.
If you have any questions, feel free to Contact Answerbase and we'll make sure you're taken care of.