System Administration Q&A
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When you're installing the Answerbase full featured widget, it supports a number of parameters that you can identify in the script which will have an impact on what/how the widget displays. Below is a list of the parameters that are supported to manage the configuration of the widget on your pages. Ecommerce Product Q&A Integrations - Product Parameters The parameters listed below will give you different options Read more
If you're integrating into a services website, you want to identify the different "Services" that you provide and you'll want to ensure that those are defined when you insert the widget. This documentation covers a services site that has a few services that you provide and have a simple navigation to those services on your site, so if you just have several services you offer this documentation should service you well Read more
Answerbase's goal is to ensure that you get a very healthy return on your investment for the platform, and in order to do that it's best to track the results and how much revenue your Answerbase engagement is assisting in. To track this we need you to place our conversion tracking code into your site at the end of the customer journey, after the event that you've determined that the customer has accomplished the end Read more
Below is the content formatting guide you should use when looking to import questions. There are different guides noted below depending on if you're using a hierarchical category structure or a tag structure for organizing your content, so make sure that you're referencing the appropriate structure based on your system settings that you have defined under "System Settings > General Settings". For a smooth import w Read more
Answerbase has partnered with Comm100 so we can ensure that your customers have the best possible experience on your ecommerce site and can utilize the best available channel to get their product questions answered. This article goes over the steps that you should take in order to integrate Answerbase with Comm100. Step 1 - Ensure You Have Comm100 and Answerbase Installed in your Shopify Store In order for this integ Read more
Answerbase provides you with a list of content that we would recommend that you create in order to ensure that your site is providing all of the most relevant question and answer content that your customers are asking about, and that you provide the answers in order to drive conversions and traffic on your site. What is the Value? The value in creating content that is recommended is the following: Increasing Co Read more
As you grow question and answer content on your Answerbase platform, you'll find that similar questions are being asked on Google and you'll start to rank and get clicks from people who are asking those same questions, driving new organic traffic to your site. You're able to easily (1) ensure that your content gets indexed and then (2) track the progress of how many impressions, clicks, the click-through-rate, and po Read more
Answerbase has several ways of syncing with your product and product categories for your ecommerce site, most are automated but there are some cases where you may need to import your product data. First, identify whether this is needed or not for your integration. Here are the ways that Answerbase syncs with your product information: Automated Through Widget Parameters: If you've already installed our Q&A w Read more
If you're transitioning from a different platform, or if you simply want to have your team create some great content for you to start out with, then you'll need to import your Q&A content (and potentially users if you're wanting to support a community where your customers can also answer questions). IMPORTING QUESTION AND ANSWER CONTENT In your administration site, you'll see an option in your left hand navigatio Read more
Manage all of your knowledge base content within Answerbase's administration area, review the management tools and capabilities in this video. Read more
This video gives an overview on the reporting capabilities that are provided to you within the Answerbase Administration Dashboard, as well as options for 3rd party analytics integration to track your content and user engagement. Read more
This video gives you an overview of some of the customization tools available for you from the self-service interface in the administration dashboard on Answerbase. Additional tools and flexibility is avaialble for Enterprise Plan customers, so if you have any additional needs in customization Contact Us about Enterprise Plan options and we'll make sure you're taken care of. See video on the administration tools belo Read more
Answerbase gives you the tools to monitor and manage all of the users who engage with your Answerbase platform, including review and updating their settings, profiles, account information, roles, and other attributes for each user. Review this video to get an overview of those user management features available on Answerbase. Read more
Answerbase gives you all of the tools that you need to manage your content and users who engage with your knowledge base. Answerbase provides you with the a full featured administration interface, allowing you to manage content, manage users, review reporting, customize your knowledge base, integreation tools, as well as a number of settings options to configure the platform as you need. See a quick video overview of Read more
Now that you have your account information, you'll want to determine what users are going to be managing content on your platform. If you are the only person who is going to be managing the site and content, then you don't have to worry about setting up new users....but you may want to consider the "Default Content Publishing Rules" below to ensure that newly posted content is published based on your preferences. If Read more
If you're integrating into a services website, you want to identify the different "Services" that you provide and you'll want to ensure that those are defined when you insert the widget. This documentation covers a services site that has a multi-level taxonomy and navigation of different categories of services they provide represented on their site. If you don't have mutliple levels or categories of services, you sho Read more
Answerbase enables you to optimize your product and collection pages (product category pages) in just minutes per page, as we're able to recognize and aggregate the customer demand for information related to each product and product category and fed that to your team. We have customers optimizing their site in less than 5-10 minutes per page with great content that is important for customers and has been rewarded han Read more