May 31, 2024 - 07:48 AM
When you install your Answerbase Conversion Tracking Code you'll want to run a test to ensure that you're effectively tracking a conversion assist. In order to effectively test a conversion you should follow these steps:
If you don't see a conversion tracked you should double check our Conversion Tracking Installation Documentation and make sure that you've installed it correctly. If you've done that and still aren't able to submit a successful test then please contact us and we can help you troubleshoot.
- Post a Question: Make sure that you've installed the Answerbase Q&A Widget into your product pages, then go to one of your product pages and ask a question through the Answerbase Q&A Widget. Submit the question with an email address that is not the same as your administration user's email address but one that you have access to in order to receive an email when an answer is given.
- Answer the Question: Go to your admin site and submit an answer to that test question so the email that the question was submitted under will be notified. Make sure that when you submit the answer, that you submit it so that it's a "Public Answer" that any visitor will be able to see. You may need to wait up to 5 minutes to receive the email response, so once you've submitted the answer check that email address in about 10 minutes and you should receive that notification.
- View the Answer: Click on the link to the see the answer within the email, which will take you to a page which shows the question and answer. When you're on the Q&A details'll see a link back to the product page that the Q&A pair is associated with.
- Order the Product: You should click that link to get back to the product page and then add that product to your cart and submit an order. Most sites will have some kind of test user that has a credit on their account so you don't have to use a credit card for your test, or some merchants have a 99% discount applied, so you should confirm how to effectively submit a test order ot test and go ahead and submit that order through the above process.
- Confirm that Conversion was Tracked: Go into your administration interface and navigate to "Reports > Conversions" and you should see a conversion reported in that section. If you see a conversion tracked, then you've installed the code correctly and your test is done.
If you don't see a conversion tracked you should double check our Conversion Tracking Installation Documentation and make sure that you've installed it correctly. If you've done that and still aren't able to submit a successful test then please contact us and we can help you troubleshoot.