Shopify Q&A
Activity timeframe
If your a Shopify merchant looking to integrate product questions and answers into your product page, Answerbase provides a robust solution to accomplish that goal and can scale as you scale your business. This article communicates the steps that you should take for a successful integration. Before we get to the integration, we encourage you to watch an update on what Google is doing with ecommerce-related search...a Read more
If you've installed the Answerbase Shopify Product Questions & Answers App into your store, you're ready to integrate into your site and make sure the functionality is configured as you'd like. Once you are within the administration dashboard, you can review some other configuration preferences by clicking "Shopify App Configuration > Installation Instructions" as seen here: From there, you'll see a number of Read more
When you've created an Answerbase account, you can then integrate Answerbase ecommerce product Q&A into your ecommerce store. This tutorial specifically covers how to integrate Q&A into your product page, there is further instruction available on how to integrate into other areas of your ecommerce site (if desired) at a link at the end of this post. Let's go over how to integrate into your product pages. Step Read more