Jun 04, 2024 - 03:11 PM
Answerbase provides AI-enhanced tools and workflows that enable customers to optimize their ecommerce site with AI-Enhanced Product Details Page SEO Tools (which is covered in this article) and also AI-Enhanced Product Category Page SEO Tools (which are equally valuable, so you should read this after you're done here). We'll first go over what Google's communicated about utilizing AI to help generate content and then we'll dig into the tools that Answerbase provides to enable ecommerce merchants to optimize their product pages and and category pages 6-12x faster than they've done through traditional means.
Google has made it clear that using AI is NOT against Google Search's Guidelines, see what they said below:
"Appropriate use of AI or automation is not against our guidelines. This means that it is not used to generate content primarily to manipulate search rankings, which is against our spam policies."
Google communicated that in their article "Google Search's guidance about AI-generated content", and obviously Google is making it's own AI models available for businesses to they're not against it if it's used appropriately. Now the question can you utilize AI in order to optimize the content on your product pages for the purposes of Product Page SEO.
Well, when it comes to SEO your first question should be this:
"Do you have an existing or intended audience for your business or site that would find the content useful if they came directly to you?"
You'll find that this is a quote directly from Google's Helpful Content Update announcement when they talk about how businesses should "Focus on people-first content". So, to begin.....any content you create for the purposes of SEO should be people-first (not search engine first) content. If you start with that, then apply SEO best practices to that should see the results you're looking for over time and be able to measure those results.
So, you can AI be used in this process? AI should be used for efficiency and time savings...and we'll show you how.
When it comes to Product Page Q&A content, you need to think about what is going to be useful to your audience. So, let's get into the mind of your visitor and look to service them well with great information that is both helpful to them and helps confirm if that product they are looking at is a great fit for what they're looking for.
Answerbase utilizes this approach in our product-by-product optimization workflow where we feed you with AI-Proposed Q&A threads that will accomplish these goals. Typically product pages are full of product specifications and details....which are important because 34% of product questions are related to product specifications. What is missing most of the time is the value behind each specification.
When Answerbase proposes AI-Generated content for review.....the AI-Generated Q&A created on the product level has been enhanced to highlight the value of every specification related to the product, so that as customers get their questions answered it will not only give them the facts about the products but the reason behind those facts.
We encourage you to schedule a demo so we can speak about how we'd configure this for your site but but below you can see how this is presented to Answerbase customers here:

It's accomplishing a few things:
Answerbase also provides you with other items that reveal the demand for information related to your products including questions regularly asked on Google about those products, questions users have asked to your brand that have been answered by your customer service team, etc.....and AI is utilized in those as well to create efficiency during those processes.
If you'd like to hear more about how AI can help you with optimizing your product pages, schedule an Answerbase demo today and we'll have a product specialist talk to you about your goals.
Google has made it clear that using AI is NOT against Google Search's Guidelines, see what they said below:
"Appropriate use of AI or automation is not against our guidelines. This means that it is not used to generate content primarily to manipulate search rankings, which is against our spam policies."
Google communicated that in their article "Google Search's guidance about AI-generated content", and obviously Google is making it's own AI models available for businesses to they're not against it if it's used appropriately. Now the question can you utilize AI in order to optimize the content on your product pages for the purposes of Product Page SEO.
Well, when it comes to SEO your first question should be this:
"Do you have an existing or intended audience for your business or site that would find the content useful if they came directly to you?"
You'll find that this is a quote directly from Google's Helpful Content Update announcement when they talk about how businesses should "Focus on people-first content". So, to begin.....any content you create for the purposes of SEO should be people-first (not search engine first) content. If you start with that, then apply SEO best practices to that should see the results you're looking for over time and be able to measure those results.
So, you can AI be used in this process? AI should be used for efficiency and time savings...and we'll show you how.
When it comes to Product Page Q&A content, you need to think about what is going to be useful to your audience. So, let's get into the mind of your visitor and look to service them well with great information that is both helpful to them and helps confirm if that product they are looking at is a great fit for what they're looking for.
Answerbase utilizes this approach in our product-by-product optimization workflow where we feed you with AI-Proposed Q&A threads that will accomplish these goals. Typically product pages are full of product specifications and details....which are important because 34% of product questions are related to product specifications. What is missing most of the time is the value behind each specification.
When Answerbase proposes AI-Generated content for review.....the AI-Generated Q&A created on the product level has been enhanced to highlight the value of every specification related to the product, so that as customers get their questions answered it will not only give them the facts about the products but the reason behind those facts.
We encourage you to schedule a demo so we can speak about how we'd configure this for your site but but below you can see how this is presented to Answerbase customers here:

It's accomplishing a few things:
- Accurate Product Information: Most customer questions (34%) are related to product specifications, so ensuring that you have Q&A content that is accurate and relevant product Q&A based on existing and already vetted product information that we get from product information, specifications, sales materials, etc. is important. AI can effectively put all of that product information in the format that customers actually ask for that content.
- Value Behind Each Specification: For every specification, there is a reason why the product is designed that way and is a value proposition. Answerbase points out that value to ensure the reason behind the specification is highlighted and works towards reinforcing or confirming the purchasing decision.
- Apply SEO Best Practices: Google encourages you to use the words that people will actually use when looking for your content and products. Answerbase knows all of the most common queries for your product pages and how people refer to those products and utilizes those to optimize the Q&A content for the key phrases that are most relevant for that product that also fit well within the context of the answer. Ensuring that you're optimizing appropriately for SEO in the same breath as providing valuable information for the shopper.
Answerbase also provides you with other items that reveal the demand for information related to your products including questions regularly asked on Google about those products, questions users have asked to your brand that have been answered by your customer service team, etc.....and AI is utilized in those as well to create efficiency during those processes.
If you'd like to hear more about how AI can help you with optimizing your product pages, schedule an Answerbase demo today and we'll have a product specialist talk to you about your goals.