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The SEO world has been shaken up quite a bit when it comes to Ecommerce searches....with the Helpful Content Updates, Google's Helpful Content System, and then incorporating that into their Core Ranking Systems. This was released in parallel as Google started surfacing these "Popular Products" tables (and AI of course)....and this creates an environment that ecommerce stores need to understand what has happened, why Read more
We've spoken to many ecommerce merchants who have seen a notable hit on their traffic through the Google Helpful Content Updates and Google's Core Ranking System Updates, as Google integrated the helpful content system into Google's core ranking system. As a result, multiple systems in Google's core ranking systems would now assess the helpfulness of content....and "People-first content" is more important than ever. Read more
It's a brave new world and the whole planet is talking about AI....and we've run into many customers who aren't up to date with if/how to use AI and what Google has said about it, so we wanted to create an article that goes over the detials of what Google has said and how to appropriately use AI to create efficiencies. First....let's just set everybody's mind at ease.....Google has made it abundantly clear that using Read more
Domain options for integration of Answerbase. Subdirectory through a reverse proxy. From an SEO standpoint, the ideal integration is using a subdirectory so you would have something like: That can be managed on Answerbase through use of a Reverse Proxy, see how Moz addresses the comparison between a subdomain approach and a subdirectory approach in their article What is Read more
In 2022 Google got a patent issued on something called an "Information Gain Score", where Google can compare several pages that cover the same information and create a score based on which pages are actually adding something to the Internet as far as new information, which they're coining as creating "Information Gain". When you ask Google what information gain is regarding SEO, this is what they pull up as an answer Read more
When customers are looking for a product, many times they're doing a broader "Product Category" or "Product Collection" level search but then they're presented with a number of products within that category and need to filter further from there to find the product they will feel satisfied will fit their needs and convert. Finding the Right Products Through Organic Search Filters Google's new "Merchant Listing Experie Read more
Recently, SEO expert Lily Ray wrote an article discussing some observations in the ecommerce SEO landscape over the past year. The insights highlight a growing trend: Google is now prioritizing results from ecommerce, user-generated content (UGC), and social media sites over traditional product review websites for many commercial and comparison queries (think about the queries like "What is the best xyz product?"). T Read more
Sometimes we'll run into customers who have heard the term "Crawl Budget" and they wonder if they're running into any issues with crawl budget. The quick answer is....unless you have over a million pages on your site (which you probably don't)....Crawl Budget isn't a problem for you and you can set your mind at ease. It's one of these "SEO Myths" that go around and we're not sure why it gets so much traction.....but Read more
Answerbase has AI-Enhanced page-by-page optimization workflows which dramatically increase your productivity, enabling your marketing team to create helpful content which is valuable for improving conversion rates for visitors on your site as well as atttract new customers through search engines. We have ecommerce merchants who are utilizing our AI-Enhanced tools to optimize their pages in less than 5 minutes per pag Read more
In 2022 Google got a patent issued on something called an "Information Gain Score", where Google can compare several pages that cover the same information and create a score based on which pages are actually adding something to the Internet as far as new information, which they're coining as creating "Information Gain". If you know anything about what is normal when it comes to content creation and publishing, this i Read more
There are SEO-related topics that commonly get asked about that are commonly misunderstood in the SEO world, so we went to help clarify some of these "SEO Myths" that are spreading around as it's putting unnecessary handcuffs on customers and many times restraining their ability to create pages and content that is going to be most satisfactory for visitors (and therefore not rank as well as they could/should on Googl Read more
Google’s results have changed dramatically over the last several years, with their continued focus on rewarding "People-first content" that is created for actual people (not search engines) and then shaking up ecommerce searches as they're showing product details pages as the first result instead of just sending them to a product category page (most often Amazon’s category page). These updates to SERPS ma Read more