Answerbase provides you with a list of content that we would recommend that you create in order to ensure that your site is providing all of the most relevant question and answer content that your customers are asking about, and that you provide the answers in order to drive conversions and traffic on your site. What is the Value? The value in creating content that is recommended is the following: Increasing Co Read more
As you answer questions through Answerbase you should start seeing an increase of your Google Search Console impressions and eventually clicks and click through rate. If you're not experiencing this we have a few items that you should check in on to ensure that you're set up to get the best out of your Answerbase engagement. Have you Added Your Answerbase Knowledge Base Sitemap to Google Search Console? As you're ans Read more
Now that you have your account information, you'll want to determine what users are going to be managing content on your platform. If you are the only person who is going to be managing the site and content, then you don't have to worry about setting up new users....but you may want to consider the "Default Content Publishing Rules" below to ensure that newly posted content is published based on your preferences. If Read more
When you're integrating your site with Answerbase you submit a test question on a widget, and get the following validation: What this means is that there hasn't been at least one product or category associated with the question, to let us know what the question is about. MOST COMMON CAUSE OF THIS VALIDATION The most common cause of this validation is with an ecommerce integration, where you're supporting product-spec Read more
When you're testing your Q&A widget on your product pages and try to submit a question as a guest you may run into a validation that says "This is email is associated with an existing account. Please sign in." like this: The most common cause is that the email address that you've provided when testing out posting a question is one that is associated with one of your Administrator or Moderator users. In that case, Read more
When you integrate the full featured Q&A widget into your product page to support product-specific questions and answers, you'll want to test the integration after it's done to make sure everything is working well. POSTING A TEST QUESTION The first thing to do is get to a product page on your website and get to the Q&A widget placement where you can ask a question. Follow these steps: Write a simple tes Read more
Old Tracking Script - You Need to Update to the New Conversion Tracking Script if You're Still Using The Older Version Answerbase previously supported a tracking pixel which will still work for awhile but needs to be updated with the New Conversion Tracking Script . For reference for customers who still have the older tracking pixel installed so they can understand their parameters and how to translate to the new tra Read more