Product Page SEO Q&A
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The SEO world has been shaken up quite a bit when it comes to Ecommerce searches....with the Helpful Content Updates, Google's Helpful Content System, and then incorporating that into their Core Ranking Systems. This was released in parallel as Google started surfacing these "Popular Products" tables (and AI of course)....and this creates an environment that ecommerce stores need to understand what has happened, why Read more
Answerbase ensures that you can support product Q&A on your ecommerce site, to lift both conversions and organic traffic. This article covers how to integrate into your product and category pages, but we recommend that you review and complete our full list (most are just 5 minutes to do) of Steps to set up your ecommerce site with Answerbase Product Page Q&A . When you're working to install the Answerbase Q&a Read more
If your a Shopify merchant looking to integrate product questions and answers into your product page, Answerbase provides a robust solution to accomplish that goal and can scale as you scale your business. This article communicates the steps that you should take for a successful integration. Before we get to the integration, we encourage you to watch an update on what Google is doing with ecommerce-related search...a Read more